-take up satirical piece on hockey
-take up 'Old English ' period
-work on essay
ALLUSION - a reference to someone or something from history, religion or literature. Authors use allusion to help the reader make a stronger connection to their work.
For example, if I said, "That student is a real Bart Simpson." You would identify the allusion from the tv show The Simpsons and the allusion of Bart Simpson helps us to understand that the student is a trouble maker, underachiever, class clown, etc.
Another example would be if a basketball coach said, "Our team's inability to make free throws at the end of the game is our Achilles' heel." You would identify the reference froim Greek History and it is a reference to the warrior Achilles and his weak point - his heel. Thus, the coach is saying the team's free throw shooting, at the end of the game, is the team's weakness.
Important Dates
-Wednesday March 9- Satire Piece - analysis of a satirical piece of writing
-Thursday March 10 - Peer Edit Essay, Middle and Modern English
-for Thursday - finish essay and summarize Middle English
During the Break
-finish essay, due Monday or Tuesday after the break
-review periods of the English Language
-working on short stories review through Wednesday
Important Dates
-Thursday March 10 - short stories test (see your review and test outline)
After the Break
-verbal/visual essay for short stories unit
-begin West Side Story