Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Welcome to Semester 2

While I have fought the good fight resisting LMS, I may move to using that over this blog.

But how can I leave the 250,000+ people who visit and rely on the blog hanging? It's a difficult decision!

In any event, welcome to Semester 2. 

On this blog you will find many useful things:

-links to etexts of the stories we will study in case you forget your books at school
-useful links like MLA style guides, dictionaries, extra reading about topics we are studying
-daily work that was covered in class will be listed as well as any homework assigned (so you can check if you are absent from school and know what you missed)
-reminders about upcoming assignment due dates and expectations, and upcoming tests

This is a helpful blog for both students as well as for parents/guardians so they can be aware of content covered and upcoming assignment and test dates.

I'm sure you will enjoy this class and the content in it—as long as you bring a positive attitude and some enthusiasm to it.  Cheers. D'angela.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Good Luck on your exams

Exams outline - check

Exam review (how to write short answer/sight passage questions and essay reminders) - check

Now up to you to review

Period 1 - Wednesday
Period 3 - Friday
Period 5 - Tuesday

Good Luck!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Presentation Reminders

Speak to us, don't read to us.

Move around, use gestures. Can only do this with some practice - go in your room alone and practice.

Use cue cards, not 8x11 paper.

Craft your speech to be 5 minutes long—4:30 min - 6 minutes max - one of the universities pet peeves is students can't keep to the expected confines when writing or speaking.

Eye contact - use the 3-4 zones of the classroom.

Try to use tone, pace and pause to your advantage.

Look like you are enjoying it. Don't bring us down, bro.

Take time to understand what you are saying - don't use words you don't know, be sure you are pronouncing them properly. It should not sound like its the first time you are seeing and reading it.

Practice reading aloud to avoid the "likes," "ahs," and "you knows."

Don't reread the essay. Present the findings to us and explain how it enhances our understanding of the play. Sleep zone—population 24 of us.

Use a lead
Introduce yourself
Give us the title and author
What is the thesis?
How does the author support it (from Hamlet)
Insights into the story? New understandings? Interesting takes? In depth analysis?
Do you agree with the author's claim, did they prove it?
Apply a critical approach to it.
Transition to the conclusion
Have a logical conclusion that sums up the presentation
Definite end (so we can give you a pity clap)

Tues Jan 16 - Aubert-DiFronzo
Wed Jan 17 - Floris-Mahdian
Thurs Jan 18 - Menna-Vo


Sunday, January 7, 2018

West Side Story - Review Questions for Chapter 4 and 5

Chapter 4

1.  Who hooks up on the dance floor?

2.  Who grabs Tony and throws him to the floor?  Why?

3.  T/F Bernardo is so angry at Maria that he slaps her. 

4.  Who does Bernardo tell to take Maria home immediately?  Anita or Chino

5.  The two gangs agree to meet later at the _______________ Pot because it is _______________ territory.

6.  Just like Romeo and Juliet, Tony and Maria meet up later at: a party or on her balcony?

7. What time do Maria and Tony agree to meet tomorrow?  12 pm, 4 pm, 6 pm

8.  Surrounded by other Sharks and their girls, Anita and Bernardo argue over their experience in _______________________.

Ch 5

1.  Baby John brings up which two superheroes: Batman, the Flash, Superman?

2.  _________________ interrupts Riff and Bernardo while they are discussing the terms of the rumble.

3.  He gets the terms of the rumble to be what?  Which two members are chosen?

4.  Who interrupts and demands to know where the rumble will take place?