Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday September 31

-finish "Medical Care That's Not Fit For A Horse" questions
For Homework - review essay types, essay elements and the essays we have studied

Test - Thursday

-corrected irony and foreshadowing in "Paid Up Member"

For Homework - review your elements and stories we have read

Test - Thursday

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday Sept 29

-corrected persuasive essay, "The Death Penalty: Justice For None"
-introduction to editorials - elements, style, structure
-for homework: read "Medical Care That's Not Even Fit For Horse" (Reading Strategies 198) and complete the analysis sheet (if you didnt get the analysis sheet, read the essay and make sure you are able to intelligently talk about it tomorrrow)

-correct it

-corrected questions on "Paid Up Member"
-answered questions on foreshadowing and irony

-the element of suspense (define it)
-correct foreshadowing and irony questions

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday September 28

-read "The Death Penalty: Justice For None" (p.208 in Reading Strategies) and analysed it

(title - how does it convey the writer's stance; locate and write down the thesis; show how, in paragraphs 5, 6 and 7, the author refutes the claims of  death penalty advocates; how are anecdote, antithesis, climatic order and parallel structure used effectively by the author)
-homework - read over page 214 and complete the chart on 215; what is one more counter argument, for the death penalty?)
-narratives are due

-"Medical Care That's Fit For A Horse" (p.198 in RS)

-finished "One of These Days" (focus on plot, symbolism and irony)
-read "Paid Up Member"
-for homework answer first 3 questions on worksheet

-irony and foreshadowing in "Paid Up Member"

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday September 27

-completed worksheet on "Forget Prince Charming"
-intro to next essay, "Wheat Kings"

-complete and hand in narrative on Wednesday
-listen to "Wheat Kings" again, here is a link with some more facts about David Milgaard:

-peer edited memo
-completed all the questions on "One of These Days"

-finish the memo (due Thursday)
-discuss symbolism, irony and plot in "One of These Days"

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday September 26

-peer edit Narrative - it is due on Wednesday
-introduction to persuasive writing
-read "Forget Prince Charming" in Echoes p.322

-defined nemesis and symbolism
-read "One of These Days" p.13 in Between the Lines
-answered 3 questions (character, setting, why won't the dentist treat him?)
-remember: rough copy of the memo is due tomorrow; good copy is due Thursday

-edit memo, finish one of these days

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday September 22

-rhetorical devices quiz - will be handed back tomorrow
-"Growing Up Native" - read silently and answered questions

-20 minutes to work on your narrative
-finish "Growing Up Native"
-introduction to next essay style

-read pages 182-202 of Communicate and summarized important parts of business writing

-introduction to minor writing assignment #1

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday Sept 21

-finished "Snapshot: Lost Lives of Women"
-more hints on Narrative Assignment
-rough copy due Monday; good copy due Wednesday (notice the balanced sentence!)
-another practice for rhetorical devices quiz

-quiz on rhetorical devices
-bring Reading Strategies, will read "Growing Up Native," a narrative essay

-wrote quiz - will get it back tomorrow

-bring Communicate

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday September 19

4U1  (Jordan - be sure to read this carefully!)
-reviewed devices of paradox, oxymoron and allusion, with examples
-worksheet practice on rhetorical devices
-homework check on "Snapshot"
-corrected the two homework questions and connected them - the oppressive lives that women led, in China, in the 1920's, with general statements from the essay and the specific lives of the women in the picture
-assigned 3 more questions for homework (when, where and why is this piture taken? Use of quotations, questions, exclamations and parallel structure and why is this considered informal writing?)

Tomorrow - finish "Snapshot" and introduction of narrative writing assignment
Thursday - quiz on rhetorical devices

-defined setting
-read first couple of pages of "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street"

Tomorrow - continue with the story
Wednesday or Thursday - quiz on first 5 elements and 3 short stories we have read
Thursday and Friday - introduction to first writing assignment


Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Sept 16

-summarized important aspects of descriptive writing (overhead)
-read over Approaches to Literature - Reader Response, Formalistic and Feminist
-read over Narrative Tutorial (p.22 in Reading Strategies and made notes)
-For Homework - read "Snapshots: Lost Lives of Women" on p.384 on Echoes and answer questions 1 and 3 on p.388

If you just joined the class in the last few days - make notes on The Descriptive Essay Tutorial on p.4 of Reading Strategies and read "The Skier" p.6 and read "Sojourners" p. 353 in Echoes.  Be sure to photocopy missed notes from someone in the class and see me for handouts.

-be sure you have caught up and reviewed everything we have done up to this point
Stories we have read - "Interlopers" and DB Cooper - both from Between The Lines
Elements we have studied and applied - Conflict, Theme and Character

Monday - "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street"

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wed Sept 14

-finished "Interlopers"
-discussed different types of characters in short stories (an overhead)
-read "DB Cooper" (p. 120)

-short day because of mass
-will finish questions on "DB Cooper"

-Unsolved Mysteries - Whatever happened to DB Cooper?

-analysed the first part of "Sojourners"
-homework - 3 questions on the last two parts

Some hints:

Part one ends with "shrimp in toes and terns in hair" and then part two discusses whether people are just sojourners on planet Earth; part two ends with "I fancy to imagine another" (another what?) and then discusses whether the planet Eart is a sojourner.

In part two much of the discussion focusses on why we are here? Not so much on whether we literally travel, but why are we here (on Earth) for such a temporary visit?

Notice the structure - the movement form small to large is a classic writing technique

-short periods due to mass
-final thoughts on descriptive writing
-a few more devices

-narrative writing tutorial
-"Growing Up Native" (p.16 in Reading and Writing for Success)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday Sept 13

-finished "The Interlopers"
-what is theme? took note on overhead

-"DB Cooper"
-what is character? note on overhead

-take up rhetorical devices (questions 1-19)
-analysis of "The Skier"

-homework - read "Sojourners" p. 353 in Echoes answer questions 1 and 2
-at some point during the weekend, re-read "The Skier" with your chart and notes; be sure you have a good understanding of it and can explain the different devices used to create the dominant impression of the essay

Some hints:

Part one ends with shrimp in toes and terns in hair and then part two discusses whether people are just sojourners on planet Earth; part two ends with I fancy to imagine another (another what) and then discusses whether the planet Eart is a sojourner.

In part two much of the discussion focusses on why we are here? Not so much on whether we literally travel, but why are we here (on Earth) for such a temporary visit

Notice the structure - the movement form small to large is a classic writing technique

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Friday Sept 9

-reviewed element of  fiction - conflict (defined it, 6 types of conflict)
-began reading "The Interlopers"

-finish "Interlopers" and answer questions

-reviewed rhetorical devices (added to our notes)
-applied devices/previous knowledge to 2 editorials

-descriptive writing
-read and analyze the "The Skier"

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6

Welcome Back.  We will use this blog to keep you informed on what we did, what is due and what is coming up.  Please use this to keep yourself informed, whether you were in class and forgot what we did or were away and want to make sure you don't fall behind.  Remember, if you always do, what you've always done, wou will always get, what you have always gotten.  Lesson - do a little more.