-overhead to an introduction to information text - also known as feature article
-prepared to read "Eye Spy" - discussed use of passwords in our society
-read the story and answer questions
-magazine for Thursday
-signatures for Friday
-overhead on different types of essays
-what is a descriptive essay? wrote note on it
-read "The Skier"
-answer the 3 homework questions on structure of the essay
1) What organizational strategy used in the essay?
2) From what point of view is the essay? Why do you think she choose to use this point of view?
3) What is the dominant impression? Did it change? What is the connection between the change?
-take up questions; look at style of the essay
-bring both Echoes and Reading and Writing
-overhead to an introduction to information text - also known as feature article
-prepared to read "Eye Spy" - discussed use of passwords in our society
-read the story and answer questions
-magazine for Thursday
-signatures for Friday
-overhead on different types of essays
-what is a descriptive essay? wrote note on it
-read "The Skier"
-answer the 3 homework questions on structure of the essay
1) What organizational strategy used in the essay?
2) From what point of view is the essay? Why do you think she choose to use this point of view?
3) What is the dominant impression? Did it change? What is the connection between the change?
-take up questions; look at style of the essay
-bring both Echoes and Reading and Writing
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