-quote test tomorrow
-be prepared
Answers to yesterday's quotes:
For the first quote -
Speaker - Macbeth
Context - soliloquy (you must always mention it is a soliloquy in the context - if it is one)
- at Dunsinane OR
- just before the murder of Duncan
Dramatic Purpose - (2 possible answers - not to say there are not others)
Suspense - Dangerous Situation
Second Quote -
Speaker - Lady Macbeth
Context - is sleepwalking with gentlewoman and doctor listening (I think you need tell me both here)
- at Dunisinane
Dramatic Purpose (possible answers)
Theme of Internal Conflict-Guilt
Develops Character of Lady Macbeth
Remember - your dramatic purpose MUST reflect the words in the quote, not what is about to happen or just happened, but what THOSE words are developing about the play
More Practice - Try to do these without looking and then check to see if you were right
So fair and foul a day I have not seen. (I,iii,39)
It will have blood; they say blood will have blood. (III,iv,151)
-read up to 119
-reviewed for quiz on Wednesday (quiz outline given on Monday)
-quote test tomorrow
-be prepared
Answers to yesterday's quotes:
For the first quote -
Speaker - Macbeth
Context - soliloquy (you must always mention it is a soliloquy in the context - if it is one)
- at Dunsinane OR
- just before the murder of Duncan
Dramatic Purpose - (2 possible answers - not to say there are not others)
Suspense - Dangerous Situation
Second Quote -
Speaker - Lady Macbeth
Context - is sleepwalking with gentlewoman and doctor listening (I think you need tell me both here)
- at Dunisinane
Dramatic Purpose (possible answers)
Theme of Internal Conflict-Guilt
Develops Character of Lady Macbeth
Remember - your dramatic purpose MUST reflect the words in the quote, not what is about to happen or just happened, but what THOSE words are developing about the play
More Practice - Try to do these without looking and then check to see if you were right
So fair and foul a day I have not seen. (I,iii,39)
It will have blood; they say blood will have blood. (III,iv,151)
-read up to 119
-reviewed for quiz on Wednesday (quiz outline given on Monday)
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