Saturday, January 4, 2014

Homework Helpers


Scene 1: The Macbeths' are now living at the Castle Forres.  Banquo is a bit suspicious about how Macbeth got the crown, but realizes it also means that his part of the prophecy might come true too.  Macbeth enters and tells Banquo how honoured he is to see him (lying!) and then asks three questions in preperation to kill Banquo later - he needs to know if Banquo is leaving the castle, where and when he is leaving and if his only son is going with him - in order to make plans to have him 'whacked'.  Banquo leaves and Macbeth then convinces two 'murderers' that Banquo is reponsible for their crappy lives - he learned to do this (convince others) from his wife. The men agree to kill Banquo and Fleance (they are called murderers after all!).

Scene 2: Lady Macbeth is alone and tells us she is unhappy even though she is the Queen.  She thought the crown, jewels and title would make her happy, but it hasn't.  She has to keep this to herself because she knows her husband is even more 'unstable' than she is.  Macbeth adds to this by saying he'd rather switch places with Duncan (be dead).  Lady Macbeth says don't be such a downer at the party.  Macbeth tells her fine, and asks her to praise Banquo at the party.  Lady Macbeth asks why and Macbeth says something bad is going to happen but he can't tell her what.

Scene 3: The two murderers are joined by a third person to help them (any idea who?) and kill Banquo, but allow Fleance to escape.  Boss Macbeth is not going to be happy to hear this (no 'seed' of Banquo can survive), so the murderers head back to Forres to tell him the news. 

Scene 4: The next scene is the big banquet Macbeth throws at Forres when all this stuff (scenes 1, 2, and 3) - Macbeth's guilt, the murder of Banquo, Fleance's escape, people beginning to suspect Macbeth - all come together

West Side Story

Chapter 4 is where Tony and Maria meet and fall in love.  Notice how the author tries to describe the idea of 'love at first sight.'  However, even though we want a happy ending for these two 'kids' we see, in this chapter, there is a lot going against them.  It will be hard for them, in the world they live in (with the prejudice, intolerance and hate between the two groups), to be left alone and have their happy ever after.  However, much of this chapter is about romantic feelings, first loves and dreams of a future together.

Chapter 5 is where the rules of the rumble are made at the Coffee Pot diner.  Notice what was supposed to happen and how Tony changes their minds and gets them to agree to a fair fight - fists only, best fighter from each gang.  Bernardo hopes they choose Tony (so he can punch him out for dancing with his sister) and his disappointed when Riff chooses Diesel as the Jets 'best man.'


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