Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday Sept 13

-finished "The Interlopers"
-what is theme? took note on overhead

-"DB Cooper"
-what is character? note on overhead

-take up rhetorical devices (questions 1-19)
-analysis of "The Skier"

-homework - read "Sojourners" p. 353 in Echoes answer questions 1 and 2
-at some point during the weekend, re-read "The Skier" with your chart and notes; be sure you have a good understanding of it and can explain the different devices used to create the dominant impression of the essay

Some hints:

Part one ends with shrimp in toes and terns in hair and then part two discusses whether people are just sojourners on planet Earth; part two ends with I fancy to imagine another (another what) and then discusses whether the planet Eart is a sojourner.

In part two much of the discussion focusses on why we are here? Not so much on whether we literally travel, but why are we here (on Earth) for such a temporary visit

Notice the structure - the movement form small to large is a classic writing technique

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